
首页 > 都市小说 > :我是谁: > 第103章 实验对象

第103章 实验对象 (4/4)

2024-09-22 作者: 石头FM

第103章 实验对象(4/4)

ubes into them and place them in a culture tank to wait for the final shape.(很简单,先是把他们装进装有福尔马林水的水槽里浸泡12个小时,然后才能对他们进行改造,所有步骤都进行完成之后,最后再把管子全都插在他们身上并把他们装进培养槽等待最后的成形就可以了。)”费尼特回答道。

“Okay, I understand, but I need to familiarize myself with the process first to avoid making mistakes. After all, our experimental subjects are also hard-earned and cannot be wasted due to my momentary negligence.(好,我明白了,不过我需要先熟悉熟悉流程,省的弄错,毕竟咱们的实验体也是来之不易的,不能因为我的一时疏忽而白白浪费掉。)”乌鸦道。

“Okay, you guys stay and help him.(好,你们几个留下给他帮忙。)”顿了一下费尼特又继续道:“Please feel free to report any situation you have to me at any time.(你们几个有什么情况随时向我汇报。)”

