
首页 > 穿越小说 > 人工智能技术与中国制造2025 > 二十四节气之“立春”(beginning of spring)

二十四节气之“立春”(beginning of spring) (1/2)

2023-12-28 作者: 古都的秋

二十四节气之“立春”(beginning of spring)(1/2)

“立春”(Beginning of Spring)二十四个节气中的第一个节气,在公历二月,大概是每年02月03-05日左右,中国就一直以立春作为孟春时节的开始.自古及今的一些文人墨客经常吟诗作赋,歌颂春天的温暖、春天的生机、赞美立春时节润物无声的细雨,和春意正浓鸟语花香的春色.春季更是生长,耕耘和播种的季节.这“一年之计在于春”的俗语大概源自秦代.在宋代诗人王镃有“从此雪消风自软,梅花合让柳条新.”的诗句形容春天的美好,此时节,虽然寒意犹在,但“百草回芽”已不可阻挡.在气候学中,春季是指候(5天为一候)平均气温10℃至22℃的时段,即太阳到达黄经315°时为立春节气.时春气始,至四时之卒始,故为立春.正是大地回暖,万物生长,冬将尽,春正来的时节.立春节气历史悠久,传承久远,是上古农耕文明的产物,在农耕社会中占据比较重要的地位,秦汉以前,南北各地风俗文化不同,一些地方岁首礼俗所重的不是阴历元月朔日,而是干支历廿四节气的立春.立春岁首对于传统农耕社会具有重要的意义,重大的拜神祭祖、祈岁纳福、驱邪禳灾、除旧布新、迎新春等庆典均安排在立春日及其前后时段举行,这一系列的节庆活动不仅构成了后世岁首节庆的框架,而且它的民俗功能也一直遗存至今.从古至今,立春节气的风俗变化很多,但是大家并不会忘记它们的由来,也不会忘记立春节气的每一个意义.立春节气的特点和风俗还是比较多.--------------------------------------------The“Beginning of Spring“ of the 24 Solar Terms

The first of the 24 solar terms of“Beginning of Spring“ is in the second month of the Gregorian calendar, around the 3rd to 5th of February each year. China has always regarded the beginning of the Mengchun season as the beginning of the spring season.From ancient times to the present, some literary and literary giant have often recited poems and poems, praising the warmth and vitality of spring, praising the gentle and silent rain during the beginning of spring, and the spring color with strong bird songs and fragrant flowers Spring is also the season for growth, cultivation, and sowing. The saying 'The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring' probably originated from the Qin Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, poet Wang Yi said,'From then on, the snow dissipates and the wind softens, and the plum blossoms merge to make theWillow SproutingWillow Sprouting.'”In Climatology, spring refers to the period when the average temperature ranges from 10℃ to 22℃, that is, when the sun reaches 315° longitude, it is the beginning of spring. It is the beginning of spring when the air begins and ends at four o'clock, so it is the beginning of spring. It is the time when the earth warms up, everything grows, winter is coming to an end, and spring is coming. The beginning of spring has a long history

